Charlotte's web, a book of adventure and most of friendship. In the book, it starts with reading about a lonely pig who is hoping that someone could be his friend. Some days, Wilbur would think that his friend would be right around the corner but as of course, nothing had happened. Until one day, in the middle of the night Wilbur had being voices, voices he hadn't before since he was living here. The voices were calm stating that they could be Wilbur's friend. The next day Wilbur hears the voices again but this time they are not actually voices. It was just a spider, a regular spider named Charlotte. Ever since that day Wilbur has been happier and happier being with Charlotte. There are times when it fells like Wilbur is like a son to Charlotte, sometimes a brother.
Near days goes by, maybe weeks when Wilbur soon discovers that he was going to be eaten by farm the family that was raising him. Wilbur was terrified, he didn't know what to do, was desperate. Charlotte on the other hand could not let this happen, so she decided to do the unthinkable, she made a note on her fabulous spider web saying the words that turned everything around, they were the words "Some Pig". The quote on her web shocked everyone, it even got the attention of the town's people. Charlotte had saved Wilbur from being killed and she saved herself from losing a dear friend.
Days after that, Wilbur is received good news and bad news from Charlotte. She was going to die but she was going to have five hundred fourteen children to be exact. Wilbur couldn't stand to see someone so dear to him die. Wilbur had promised Charlotte that he will keep her babies safe and secure. The next day Charlotte had died. Wilbur had already left though with the egg sac, when he got home he was thinking him and what Charlotte had done together. While thinking, he sees little creatures appear out of the egg sac. Charlotte's children had arrived. He was happy and sad also because most of them left the barn but three decided that they were going to stay with Wilbur. Wilbur loved Charlotte's kids and grandchildren, he had never forgotten about Charlotte who changed his life forever. Charlotte the spider.
I like your blog a lot. I like how you asked questions. Also you didn't just retell the book when you talked about it.